Vegetable paintings

Vegetable paintings

Modern life requires us sometimes to work and live in close and small places where there is no space for plants. A vegetable picture provides a spectacular natural decoration that can hang on any wall. Their colors and shapes provide us a picture of Living Art Plant.

A vegetable picture has all the advantatges offered by nature and there are many studies on the benefits of having houseplants living with us. Create a space that calm and tranquility, enhance mood, promote concentration and performance (1m2 vegetable picture generates enough oxygen for one person for one year amd many more advantatges. Also it provides a new exclusive space abd full of elegance.

Redueix el consum d'aiguaFes del teu jardí o terrassa un espai sostenible i ecològic.

Som professionals especialistes en dissenyar espais acollidors apropant la natura a casa teva o a la teva oficina.

Informa't ara de com et podem ajudar a mantenir el teu jardí viu davant la sequera.