Installation of irrigation

Installation of irrigation

An efficient irrigation system keeps he water consumition at minimal level. Therefore, we will require a study of climate, plants, sunlight, soil type, ….

Depending on the previous study related to each particular case, we offer:

    • sprinkler irrigation
    • drip irrigation
    • Film or exudative
    • Pluviometers
    • Programmers
    • ….

     We maintain the mounted by us and those who do not systems.


Redueix el consum d'aiguaFes del teu jardí o terrassa un espai sostenible i ecològic.

Som professionals especialistes en dissenyar espais acollidors apropant la natura a casa teva o a la teva oficina.

Informa't ara de com et podem ajudar a mantenir el teu jardí viu davant la sequera.